SikaGrind®-141 Activator

Grinding Aid And Quality Improver For The Production Of Cement

SikaGrind®-141 Activator is a chloride free liquid additive to allow easier grinding of cement and en- hance the quality of all types of cement. SikaGrind®- 141 Activator has been specifically developed toobtain cements with strongly increased capacity and all ages of strengths

SikaGrind®-141 Activator is a very effective dis-persant with the following characteristics:
  • Neutralization of electrical charges on the surface of cement particles
  • Separation of the cement particles
  • SikaGrind®-141 Activator provides the following advantages in the cement production:
  • Higher efficiency of the plants (tons per hour) due to reduced grinding time per ton.
  • Higher separator efficiency due to improved disper- sion
  • Faster achievement of the desired cement fineness
  • Reduced particle fraction > 32μ of the ground cement
  • Reduced re-agglomeration of the cement particles.
  • Less accumulation of material on grinding equipment (grinding balls and mill)
  • Cost savings due to a lower power consumption per ton
  • Easier handling and minimized problems with “plugging” due to improved flow characteristic
  • SikaGrind®-141 Activator gives the following ad-
  • vantages to the finished cement:
  • Reduced handling costs especially on pneumatic con- veying systems
  • Reduced risk of hydration in the silo
  • Easier discharge of the silos
  • Optimum cement granulometry (reduced quantity of “over-milled” particles)
  • Increased early and final strengths
  • Improved final strengths
  • Allows economic cement design with clinker replace- ments
  • Reduced water demand
  • Uniform air entrainment in the stated dosage range
  • Consistent setting times
  • Reduced brown or yellow discolorations