Sika® AER NG

Air entraining admixture for concrete

Sika air entraining admixtures have been designed and formulated to deliberately introduce air into concrete in the form of evenly sized and uniformly distributed micro bubbles.

  •  Air entrainment is recognized as the most effective prevention against concrete scaling in exposed environments.
  • Air entrained concrete delivers particular benefits in the form of increased concrete durability. This is important in colder
climates where frost and freeze-thaw cycles can cause scaling and damage to the concrete surface.
  •  Air entraining agents help to prevent scaling by creating microscopic air voids that water trapped in the concrete can expand
into when the concrete freezes, thus preventing cracks caused by the natural expansion. Entrained air voids in the concrete will also increase durability in harsh environments where concrete is exposed to deicing salts, marine salts and sulfates. Workability and Placeability:  Workability and placeability are also improved by the lubricating action of the microscopic bubbles in the concrete. Concrete flows better, and bleeding and shrinkage is reduced because less water is needed to obtain the desired workability. Sika AER NG  provides stable and predictable air contents in concrete, with uniform air bubble spacing throughout the concrete matrix