Sika ViscoFlow®-23

pce superplasticizer with a high concentration for ready-mixed concrete

Sika ViscoFlow®-23 is an economical superplasticizer for all areas of ready-mixed concrete.

Sika ViscoFlow®-23 is based on the innovative Sika polymers, which has been specially designed and developed for the ready-mixed concrete industry. It causes:
  • Spatial separation of fine parts
  • Fast adsorption
  • Lower frictional forces between the cement and aggregates
  • Lower water requirements
  This enables for concrete:
  • Low w/c ratios with strong water reduction (therefore higher densities and strength)
  • Soft consistencies through high flowability (hence reduced processing work)
  • Good slump-keeping through high flowability (hence reduced processing work)
  • Good slump-keeping and optimum workability, also at higher concrete temperatures
  • No impairment of the early strength development, even in the winter