Sika ViscoFlow®-651 NG

High range water reducing concrete admixture

Sika® ViscoFlow®651NG is a high range water redu-
cing admixture with extended workability properties
for concrete and mortar. It meets the requirements
for set retarding / superplasticizing admixtures accord-
ing to EN 934-2: 2001.

Through surface absorption and sterical effects separ-
ating the binder particles, the following properties are
▪ Extremely powerful water reduction (thereby creat-
ing high concrete density and high strengths)
▪ Extends workability time while still maintaining high
early strength
▪ Excellent plasticising effects, resulting in improved
flow, placing and compaction characteristics
▪ Greatly improved watertightness
▪ Reduced creeps and shrinkage
▪ Reduced carbonation rate of the concrete
Sika® ViscoFlow®651NG does not contain chlorides or
any other materials which promote the corrosion of
steel reinforcement. It is therefore suitable for rein-
forced and pre-stressed concrete.