Sika® Intraplast® Z CO

Expansion generating admixture and plasticizer for pastes, mortars or grouts of cementitious materials

Sika® Intraplast® Z CO is a finely ground powder additive that generates expansion and plasticizes the mixes of mortar, mortar or grout of cementitious materials. Does not contain chlorides.

  • It expands the grout or mortar during the setting process, increasing adhesion, decreasing permeability, thus achieving perfect silting of the injected cavities and fissures.
  • It has plasticizing and/or water reducing power.
  • Prevents the formation of flocs by dispersing the cement particles in the aqueous suspension, achieving a better penetration of the pastes, mortars and grout into the cracks and cavities.
  • Improves the durability of the paste, mortar and grout.
  • Stabilizes the mixture by reducing exudation. Ligeramente Slightly delays setting, allowing injection at a greater distance.
  • Assists in the corrosion protection of post-tensioned cables.
  • Can be used with other water reducing additives, when a much lower a/c ratio is required.